How to choose the right size
We know very well how difficult it is to choose the right size of shoes when buying them online. That's why we provide an approximate insole length with each size. Lengths and sizes are shown in table form as in the example below.
The length given is for where the foot should be when the shoe is put on (without the tips or trims sticking out).
Insole length listed = length of foot for which shoes should fit.
The total insole can be 0.2 - 1.0 cm longer, depending on the tip of the shoe. When choosing a size, please also consider the width of your foot.
A very slim foot will move forward, while a wide foot may restrict insertion into the shoe.
Measure shoes with standard , felt insoles of the appropriate length.
In some cases, depending on the cut, the actual dimensions may differ from those shown in the table.
In the case of Big Star Shoes, the manufacturer's table is shown.
Below in the picture is how we measure our products.
A - height always given without heel length
B - heel height including any platform
C - platform height
D - the width of the upper (or girth) is measured at the top of the shoe
Lengths are given in centimeters.
Footwear width measurements are expressed as a range from smallest to largest size.
Shoe height measurements are expressed in cm for size 37.
And here is one way to measure the length of your own foot yourself:
put your foot on a piece of paper and draw two lines.
the distance between these lines is the approximate length of your foot.
guided by this measurement, choose the appropriate insole length.
instead of measuring the foot, you can also measure the shoe insole.
the measurement is best taken from the kind of shoes we are going to buy
(please do not measure your own stilettos if you plan to buy, for example, boots).
the insole, when inserted into the shoes, should have no major play and no kinks along its length.