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Guaranteed Return


You can return the received goods without giving any reason within 30 days of receiving the shipment. Returned goods should not should not bear any signs of use, so please be caution when trying on shoes.

Cancellation you can make from the whole order or from its part. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, we will return all payments received from you, including the cost of delivery. When returning only a part of the order, we refund the delivery costs in proportion to the number of returned goods (e.g., when returning half of the order, we refund half of the delivery costs). The amount due for the purchased goods will be refunded to you as soon as possible possible (within 14 working days, counting from the day of receipt of the parcel). We will pay the amount due for the returned goods to Your bank account or to your payment card, if it was used to pay for the order.

Jak poprawnie przygotować paczkę do zwrotu

Please do not apply labels and adhesive tape directly to the original box.Wrap them with paper or foil (e.g. stretch).CODE: 1234567891


You can return the goods to us by choosing one of two options:


Using the store's shipments:
(option available for registered customers, shipping in Inpost parcel - cost 9.83 PLN - deducted from the returned amount)


4 kroki darmowego zwrotu - Kupuj bezpiecznie i bez obaw - Darmowy zwrot

Log in to your account in the store, go to the "goods returns" tab, and then click "add goods return". Continue following the instructions on the page.Print the return request (clicking on the option will generate the return form and the return shipping code).Sign the form and place it in the package with the returned goods and proof of purchase (without a signature, we will not be able to credit the return).Deliver the parcel with the return code on it to an Inpost brand parcel machine of your choice (the cost of return shipping will be deducted from the amount to be returned).


Detailed instructions:

  1. Log in to your account at czasnabuty.en

    Go to "Your account" tab --> "merchandise returns" --> "add merchandise returns"

  2. Choose from the list the order from which you want to make a return, and then select the goods you want to send back

  3. Choose how to return the goods --> "I will use the store's shipments"

    Choose the form of reimbursement --> traditional transfer to your account or through a payment intermediary ( P24, Payu, Imoje )

    a ) In the case of a wire transfer, provide the bank account number to which the amount is to be refunded.

    b) In the case of an intermediary, the payment will be returned to the same account ( or payment card ) from which it was made.

  4. Then add a return request

  5. Print return request (clicking on this option will generate a return form and return code)

  6. Sign the form and place it in the package with the returned goods (without a signature we will not be able to acknowledge the return)

  7. Go to any Parcel Machine in Poland - in each of them you will send a parcel yourself with the parcel return parcel from our store. All Parcel Machines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Shipment code return code you received will open every possible parcel machine in Poland so that you can send your return package at your convenience your location. On the Parcel Machine screen, select "Send parcel" and then "I have a return code". Accept the terms and conditions and enter the 10-digit return code.


Option for unregistered customers


If you have made purchases without registration send the goods to the address:


17 Allied Aviators Street

68-100 Żagań

Include the proof of purchase and signed return form available here:







  1. Regardless of how you return the goods, they should be packed in a suitable manner to prevent damage during transport.

  2. Returned goods will be accepted only if they are sent back with complete contents (including freebies, gifts, etc.).), and the product itself and accessories will be undamaged.

  3. Please include a completed return form and proof of purchase of the goods with the returned goods.

  4. We do not accept any parcels sent COD! Returns sent back in this way are returned to the sender, as we are unable to receive such a package.

  5. We do not accept return shipments sent to InPost Parcel Post (shipments sent on a label generated in our system are delivered by INPOST directly to our business address).

